Farm Dairy is a Dutch company that specializes in providing high-quality dairy products at low cost. They receive fresh milk from Dutch livestock farmers every day, which is processed and delivered to customers the same day. Farm Dairy, based in Lelystad, The Netherlands, is a private label manufacturer of fresh dairy products. The company supplies its products to both retailers (supermarkets) and to other fresh dairy producers. The company processes approx. 200 million kilograms of milk per year, making it one of the bigger production sites of fresh dairy products in the Netherlands. For a quarter century, Farm Dairy has been the trusted force in the private label sector, a specialist you can rely on for both fresh and long-life dairy from sustainable milk streams as well as plant-based dairy alternatives. We stand for customization and partnership, focusing on your unique needs and translating them into products with superior value for money. Together with you, we seize the opportunities in the dynamic world of dairy and plant-based dairy alternatives.