Entogourmet is a Dutch-Spanish company that is focused on breeding and processing of acheta domesticus (the house cricket). Our flagship products are cricket powder and dried or fresh frozen crickets (we are developing roasted, seasoned, etc). We are IPIFF members and have ISO certificate 22000. The production team continuously tests and develops the most modern methods to maintain the high quality and safety of insect farming. House crickets are grown without antibiotics or hormones. This food is completely natural and healthy. It’s important for us to help to stop the environmental catastrophe that we are experiencing today. We hope that we can contribute to a solution to the world’s biggest problems today: food security and environmental degradation. Crickets have fast reproduction and growth process requiring less water and feed than for traditional livestock such as cattle, chickens, and pigs. Our product is a protein rich alternative. Our product is also a super-food, packed with vitamins, fiber and protein. This makes it an excellent additive for athletes, active people or who require or are seeking to improve their diets.