You can grow by exporting. Yet many entrepreneurs find crossing the border a difficult step. After all, as an entrepreneur you are entering a new market and unknown territory. GO4EXPORT therefore supports Gelderland and Overijssel entrepreneurs in taking the right steps abroad. GO4EXPORT's partners offer a wide range of instruments with which you can seize opportunities. GO4EXPORT is an export program for entrepreneurs from Gelderland and Overijssel, commissioned by both provinces, carried out by Oost NL in close collaboration with the following regional partners: Foodvalley, evofenedex, Health Valley, Saxion University of Applied Sciences, Windesheim University of Applied Sciences, HAN University of Applied Sciences, Chamber van Koophandel, Kiemt, Metaalunie, MKB Deventer, Novel-T, Kennispoort Regio Zwolle, RCT Gelderland, United Manufacturing Industry East, VNO-NCW Midden, World Trade Center Arnhem and Nijmegen and World Trade Center Twente.