GreenFood50 B.V.

Greenfood50 is the leading specialist in innovative quinoa ingredients and located in Wageningen, the Netherlands. This is a great base as we co-operate closely with Wageningen University & Research and other leading international research organizations. This ensures that the latest technologies and know-how are applied. We offer a wide range of sustainably produced quinoa ingredients, such as protein rich quinoa flour, quinoa starch, crisps, flakes and puffs. All our ingredients are produced with Greenfood50 proprietary technologies in GFSI certified production units. Our ingredients are, amongst others, applied in Plant-based products, Bakery & confectionary, Sports & Active Nutrition and Infant Nutrition. Since 2014 our quinoa ingredients are used on a daily basis by the Dutch Olympic training centre at Papendal. Are you wondering where the 50 in our name stands for? Every year the world population grows with more than 50 million people. Feeding this growing world population with tasty, healthy and safe food within the limitations of available crop land, water and energy will be THE challenge of this era. We as Greenfood50 create tasty, affordable and healthy quinoa ingredients for a growing world population!

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