WholyGreens (VeggiHap)

Wholy Greens produces pasta that contains 50% vegetables. As a result, the pasta contains more vitamins and fiber, and fewer carbohydrates. This pasta is therefore not only healthy but also made from vegetable residual flows from Dutch farmers. Our veggipasta’s are infused with positive energy, fit for families who treat the planet like a close friend. Together, we explore new ways to make the most of every crop and every plant. Reducing waste, and innovating taste. We cook up amazing food. Every week we create new recipes that have never been seen or attempted before. From quick recipes to full dinners for 8. From zero-waste to special ingredients. By using leftover vegetables and improving the quality of our soils, we extend the lifecycle of everything we use. We work closely with nature, and collaborate with local, like-minded farmers who think ahead and produce sustainably. Slow carbs to keep you fulfilled and full of energy. Dietary fibre for gut health and good digestion. That’s makes your belly healthy and happy!

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