Anders invest for the long term in Dutch SMEs, especially in the manufacturing industry. We do this with our own resources and with money entrusted to us by third parties. Anders Invest provides risk-bearing capital (possibly in combination with co-investors) of approximately € 1 million to € 50 million to companies with an enterprise value up to approximately € 250 million. We strive to acquire shares (both minor and majority). Anders Invest is different. We invest for the long term in Dutch industry, the Food & Agri sector and (healthcare) real estate. In our industry fund, SMEs, mainly from the manufacturing industry, find a place. The Food & Agri fund comprises production and trading companies from the entire "farm to fork" chain. In our real estate funds, we have rental and care homes in our portfolio, with a focus on the potential for social cohesion. We invest with our own resources and with money entrusted to us by third parties. We work with a long-term focus, hands-on and values-oriented. The Food & Agri sector faces an enormous challenge in the coming years. This requires a transition on many levels. As Anders Invest, we want to contribute to this transition by investing for the long term in companies that will make a difference. The investment team of Anders Invest Food & Agri has a background in the Food & Agri sector. They have themselves led companies of the type in which the fund invests and have proven that they can add a lot of value. The fund conducts active investment management, not spreadsheet management, but substantive involvement in business challenges. By exchanging best practices, investment managers bring solutions to challenges to the table with all companies in the portfolio.