PectCof B.V. unlocks the potential of coffee pulp biomass by extracting the functional food ingredient Dutch Gum. Dutch Gum is an emulsifier and stabilizer which is significantly more effective compared to Arabic Gum. Applications include the beverage, candy, sauce, paint, coating and personal care industries. Pectcof technology consists of a biorefinery approach in which we make use of green chemistry and state of the art biotechnology. The process steps consist of collection and preservation of coffee pulp at the country of production, shipment to the Netherlands, separation and purification of the products, and commercialization of these products in their perspective markets. Products: Dutch Gum Due to its properties as emulsifier and stabilizer, coffee dietary fiber extracted with Pectcof technology is a promising new ingredient for the food and beverage industry. Our product, Dutch Gum, can be an option for specific product applications, as replacement for Arabic gum in soft drinks. Dutch Gum will reduce costs of production for food manufacturers and increase shelf life of many processed foods. Antioxidants, colours and fibers Pectcof has filed a subsidy trajectory in collaboration with the Centre of Expertise BioBased Economy (CoE BBE) for the validation of the antioxidants, colours and fibers from coffee pulp. Further analytical data will give an idea of the applications that can be developed for this product stream.