Brabant Development Agency

Entrepreneurship is the driver of change. From sustainable food sources to a healthy future, climate-neutral energy, and developing promising key technologies. The Brabant Development Agency (BOM) ensures that startups playing a role in these fields receive the right support and funding to get off to a flying start and grow into scaleups, and that companies that aspire to go global can actually do so. Every year BOM works with dozens of companies to create this impact. BOM is an executive body of the Province of Brabant and the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy. We work together with businesses that embrace new developments and who understand that they can achieve more by partnering with other pioneers in Brabant’s corporate world, our knowledge institutes, and an incentivizing government. By encouraging activities that anticipate the fourth industrial revolution, we are creating the economy of tomorrow. We create an appealing climate for foreign businesses and for retaining employment levels. We aid Brabant companies that want to spread their wings abroad and we stimulate the development of sustainable energy products. The Brabant Development Agency (BOM) was established in 1983 by the Province of North Brabant and the Ministry of Economic Affairs , both of which are still shareholders. Its creation was partly due to the urging of the labor movement, as the rapidly worsening economy of Brabant was in urgent need of a fresh kickstart. Today the Brabant economy is at its zenith, and our top-level manufacturing industry and world class knowledge-based economy puts us among the fastest growing regions in Europe. Our challenges no longer involve facing present issues, but rather tackling the opportunities of the future. The Brabant Development Agency (BOM) ensures that startups playing a role in these fields get off to a flying start and grow into scaleups, that the right facilities are always available to Brabant-based companies, and that companies that aspire to go global can actually do so.

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