NL Soja

Buy Dutch organic soybeans from NL Soja In 2022, NL Soja started growing organic soybeans in the Netherlands. We do the cultivation, storage and processing in-house. The seed used is not genetically engineered . NL Soja grows and sells soybeans for human consumption. This allows you as a consumer - without the 'sour taste' of soy - to confidently buy your organic soybeans; grown in the Netherlands, Skal certified, honest and transparent. If you want to know who we are and where and how your soybeans are grown, you can contact us personally. We also publish our cultivation on the website. Every batch of NL Soja is examined for residue. In this way we assure you, that you buy and eat organic soybeans without any side taste. NL Soja delivers organic soybeans directly to consumers, (country) stores, outlets or the catering industry.

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