Proefboerderij Rusthoeve

The Agrarian Innovation and Knowledge Center Rusthoeve (Rusthoeve) aims to develop, share and distribute knowledge and stimulate innovative developments of arable farming in the southwestern Netherlands. Rusthoeve is located on Noord Beveland in Colijnsplaat in the middle of the Southwest Delta. The company is mainly engaged in practical research in arable farming. Rusthoeve's customers consist of agricultural trading companies, manufacturers of agricultural additives and research institutes. In recent years, Rusthoeve has specialized in research in the arable products grown in the southwestern clay areas including onions, potatoes, sugar beets and grains. Besides crop research, independent research also takes place at Rusthoeve, mainly in project form. Here we link up with current developments such as the circular economy, energy transition and sustainability with the themes of sustainable soil management, precision agriculture and the biobased economy. Sustainable cultivation methods are also a recurring theme with research into runoff and runoff and the collection of crop protection residues.

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