Koninklijke Ruig (M. Ruig en Zonen B.V.)

Ruig nationwide supplies a versatile assortment of game and poultry, bread and kitchen specialties and a selection of related products to both the hospitality industry, healthcare institutions and wholesale customers. With the pride of the red deer, Ruig distinguishes itself as a reliable, quality and honest supplier. In 2017 Ruig received the designation royal as the crowning glory! Organization A family business like Royal Ruig, which has been around for about 130 years and now has the 5th generation at the helm, cannot do without a clear organizational structure. Our mission is the foundation of the company. History Delivering honest, top quality artisanal products has been ingrained in our organization since 1891. Many years have passed and Ruig has developed into the company it is today. Sustainability Corporate responsibility is an important part of Royal Ruig's business philosophy. It is a guiding principle of great importance for all our activities. Everything we do we carry out with respect for people, animals and the environment.

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