Keep Food Simple takes the entire production chain into account, from raw material to end product. We opt for a preventive approach. We therefore focus on the integral processing of vegetable raw materials, including those parts that often remain unused. We initiate and create projects for maximum utilization of the nutritional potential of the raw material. The result is a nutritious and tasty product with an attractive appearance. Sometimes traditional methods are a source of inspiration, often also new mild, preferably simple, technologies. And by making maximum use of the best that nature offers us, the use of auxiliary materials and additives can be limited. Processing agricultural raw materials brings a lot of good, such as available, safe and affordable food that we can all enjoy and enjoy. In recent years, more and more attention has been paid to healthy and sustainably produced food. Negative aspects of food production also receive attention, such as waste. Keep Food Simple brings together three trends in food production: technology, health and sustainability. From this perspective, we work on selected technological projects for healthier and more sustainable food. Keep Food Simple is an independent, not-for-profit organization with an extensive network in industry and knowledge institutions. We work together with enthusiastic partners, universities and colleges with an extensive disciplinary background and are supported by years of experience. The results of our projects are public.