We are Bijzonder Brabant. We love good cooking, good food and cozy after dinner with friends. In 2014 we bought our farm in the Brabant countryside and started planting and sowing numerous special vegetables. Vegetables that you will not easily encounter in a restaurant, let alone in the supermarket. We call them: forgotten vegetables (because they are). And that's a shame. Because you can count on it that you can prepare delicious dishes. Have you ever heard of blue kohlrabi, chestnut carrots, runner beans or black radish? These are all examples of vegetables that we grow in the open air in Brabant. In addition to their special appearance and often imaginative names, these vegetables are also very tasty. Why do we grow the vegetables ourselves? First, of course, simply because we like it. We can't be beaten from the yard and have something to look forward to every month: harvesting the oat roots in October, digging up rhubarb in April... But the second reason is perhaps even more important: we want to know where our food comes from and what is done with it. The portion of beans and head of lettuce we buy in the supermarket: how many chemicals do they contain? What unhealthy tricks are used to keep the mass production of vegetables affordable? Where do the vegetables come from? Our vegetables have not been tampered with. They are grown in a responsible manner, simply in the open air, in our open ground in Brabant. We sell the forgotten vegetables to a number of restaurants and caterers who like to surprise their guests with unique dishes. In addition, some vegetables are also for sale at 't Streeckhuijs, Beijers Groenten&Fruit and our webshop.