The combination of a spacious, green environment with the collective of innovative companies makes Eiwitcampus a breeding ground for innovation in agri, food and energy. A DRIVEN COLLECTIVE Eiwitcampus offers starting and established researchers, entrepreneurs, educational and government institutions an accessible workplace. In this way, we form a driven collective of theoretical knowledge and practical experience in agri, food and energy. Because these elements together have always proven to be the best possible breeding ground for innovation. Research and experiment, fail and succeed. In this way, we solve social challenges step by step, in a dynamic place without a fixed blueprint. This is how we make an impact! Eiwitcampus is building the world of tomorrow by stimulating innovative agri, food and energy-related organizations in four focus areas: animal and vegetable proteins, biobased economy, circular agriculture, and sustainable energy. Can you add value to the above themes with your organization? Then we are looking for you! Eiwitcampus always has room for enthusiastic people who are involved in innovation and want to stimulate transitions. Will you come by soon?