Nederlandse Akkerbouw Vakbond (NAV)

The Nederlandse Akkerbouw Vakbond (NAV) is the interest group of and for arable farmers in the Netherlands. Dissatisfied with the representation of interests by the established organizations, the union was founded on June 2, 1993. A good income for arable farmers in the short and longer term. That is the mission of the Dutch Agricultural Trade Union (NAV). It is crucial for a good income that the yield prices are stable and structurally above the cost price. The NAV is fully committed to fair selling prices. In other words, cost price plus entrepreneurial margin, for all arable crops and arable farming performance. The commitment to cost price plus entrepreneurial margin also applies to the raw materials for bio-energy and to the green and blue services provided by arable farmers. Linked to the pursuit of fair selling prices, the NAV is also committed to socially sustainable production. The NAV understands socially sustainable in accordance with the wishes of society regarding the method of production, the food safety requirements and the wishes with regard to the quality of the products. It means that the socially sustainable arable farming that we envisage prevents future generations from being burdened with the consequences of the current production method. For arable farmers, this means economical use of soil, efficient use of additives and the prevention of harmful emissions. Economically and socially sustainable go hand in hand. The NAV continuously weighs up social and economic sustainability in the face of imminent cost-increasing measures and takes action if necessary.

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