Termont & Thomaes

The first Termont generation started the grain trade in 1908. Registration at the Chamber of Commerce KVK followed in 1912. At that time, farmers still threshed their grain in their barns and took a sample to farmers' markets. Even at that time, a grain merchant ensured a good price and a correct way of delivery and payment. After his son had joined, father and son Termont built their first warehouse in Biervliet in 1937. This warehouse was expanded several times. The first Thomaes made their entrance in 1952. This is how the company Termont & Thomaes BV was born. Gradually, the need for storage space grew. For this reason, warehouses were built in various locations in Zeeuws-Vlaanderen. The construction of the first sheds in the Zoutepolder in Biervliet started in 1967. This site now has twelve sheds. Termont & Thomaes additionally maintains a depot in Aardenburg. Storage and transshipment for third parties has now become a vital part of Termont & Thomaes' services. Aside from the traditional trade in grains, seeds and legumes, the cleaning, processing, storage and transshipment of grass seeds, foreign legumes and foreign grains have become an increasingly significant part of the work.

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