“Customers who are successful with our products ensure the success of van de Bilt seeds and flax bv”. Inspired by this motto, we have acquired a stable and pre-eminent market position over the years, both on the European and global markets for flax seed for oil and fiber. Van de Bilt zaden en vlas bv was founded more than 100 years ago in Sluiskil, the Netherlands. The company controls several links in the supply chain of flax production. During its long history, van de Bilt seeds and flax bv has gained a wealth of knowledge on the various facets relating to flax and flax production and can therefore respond rapidly to changing circumstances. The company is located in the Southwest Delta area of Zeeland with its fertile polder soil, strategically situated within reach of the three major ports of Antwerp – Vlissingen – Zeebrugge. The company contracts flax growers to produce fiber flax, manufacture linen and produce seed . The flax straw is sourced in France and the Netherlands. Van de Bilt zaden en vlas bv has its own processing lines for flax (scutching and heckling lines). Van de Bilt zaden en vlas bv is also actively involved in various development projects studying sustainable use of fiber flax for non-textile applications (e.g. composite materials). Developing new varieties (fiber flax/oil flax and winter wheat ) is a core activity of the company. The seed is multiplied by its own growers in the Netherlands, Belgium and France. This seed is then processed in the company’s own cleaning facilities before it used as propagating material by many other flax growers all over the world. In addition to the headquarters in Sluiskil, the company also has a subsidiary: Textilin, in Normandy, France. Textilin’s scope of activity concerns flax growing and seed multiplication in France. These activities are supplemented by trading in seeds and flax fibers. The company is highly aware of the close links between its production activities and nature. Sustainable production methods, responsible deployment of labor and careful use of natural resources are devoted high priority in daily operational practice. Our compliance is demonstrated by various certification.