Carezzo Nutrition BV

Carezzo Nutrition markets protein enriched food & drinks, including bread and bakery, fruit juice and soups, fruit dairy and fruit ice cream. The assortment can replace regular food, so people can increase the protein intake by 50% without eating more. This new strategy of substitution of regular food is more effective in increasing the protein intake than the current practice of suppletion with in-between snacks or medical nutrition. Carezzo Nutrition was partner in a consortium Cater with Care, and developed in close cooperation with Wageningen University and Gelderse Vallei, the number 1 food hospital in the Netherlands, a new food concept to prevent and treat malnutrition in the elderly population. During 2012-2015 scientific research, product development and consumer testing in patient target groups and RCT intervention studies were integrated to build a scientifically evidence based new strategy to solve malnutrition. The results of the studies show that 79% of the intervention group will meet hospital standards with the new strategy versus 50% in the control group with current practise. Carezzo Nutrition has entered the Dutch market in 2015, focusing on hospitals and residential care and direct home delivery to patients and clients who wish to increase their protein intake for prevention and rehabilitation.

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