FoodPhysica Lab

Contract R&D and Scientific Support CDC FoodPhysica is a contract research organization in food science. Our expertise in food and ingredients is focused on protein & meat science, but not limited to this area of research, also starches, fats/lipids, enzymes, emulsifiers, stabilizers and food processing are within the scope of expertise. Application of Natural Sciences to Food Systems The application of Natural Sciences to Food & Nutrition is at the core of the activities of CDC FoodPhysica. Since the start in 2009, various clients have been helped by translating scientific principles towards their food product and/or ingredient applications. Natural Science has many branches and sub-disciplines. The main goal always being: understanding how things work using scientific principles, thereby finding out the mechanisms underlying phenomena in food product development. Protein & Meat Science Proteins and especially novel proteins are receiving a lot of attention. Proteins are important for both animal and human nutrition. Projections are that the world will face protein shortages if our consumption pattern remains on its current course. We are in a so-called: ‘protein transition’ and although change is slow, new more sustainable proteins are being introduced on the consumer market. Nutritional value, texture, taste and protein safety are all aspects to be dealt with as we are going through the protein transition during the next 30 years. CDC FoodPhysica takes part in several projects and initiatives to help developments further by providing a science-based approach to help solve the world’s protein challenges.

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