We are leaders in the field of functional ingredients since 1946. Since the founding of the company (as Vaessen-Schoemaker), we have had an entrepreneurial spirit that aimed to do things differently and better. We strive to give our customers an edge over their competitors. We started as a company focusing on meat and sausages, and we have diversified into different industries like vegan cheese, bakery, fish and of course plant based products. Our building blocks and solutions are all based on a limited number of technology platforms that can be applied in the industries mentioned above. This focused approach, our creativity and our culture, have made us perhaps one of the world’s most innovative food companies. Vaess places a high priority on supporting our customers. Our Food Technology Centres are available for injection and tumbling tests, alginate or bakery co-extrusion and bakery or plant-based innovation sessions. Vaess also provides on-site support. In our Technology Centres we test innovations on semi industrial scale, and tailor our solutions to meet your specific requirements. Here we develop our functional ingredients, concepts, knowledge and the right products that enable you to stand out from the crowd.