
LenersanPoortman is an importer of food and feed ingredients. Directly from source and through our own warehouse in Dordrecht, the Netherlands, we supply our ingredients to the world. From 1 pallet to full container loads. Worldwide. LenersanPoortman is dealing with the following product groups as ingredients for the FOOD-industry. Both from stock and directly from origin: Spices Cardamom, Carrot, Cassia, Chilli, Cloves, Coreander seeds, Curry, Desiccated Coconut, Garlic, Ginger, Juniperberries, Laurel leaves, Leek, Nutmeg/Mace, Onions, Parsley, Pepper, Pimento, Turmeric. Seeds Amaranth, Anisseed, Buckwheat, Carawayseed, Chiaseed, Cuminseed, Coreanderseed, Fennelseed, Fenugreek, Flaxseed, Hemp products, Linseed, Milletseed, Mustardseed, Nigellaseed, Poppyseed, Pumpkinseed, Quinoa, Seed & Grain flakes, Sesameseed, Sunflowerseed. Pulses Alubia beans, Adzuki beans, Beluga Lentils, Black beans, Black-eye-beans, Broad beans, Chickpeas, Crimson Lentils, Dark red kidney beans, Eston Lentils, Faba beans, Grean Split Peas, Great northern beans, Laird Lentils, Mungbeans, Navy beans, Pea Beans, Pinto beans, Speckled kidney beans, White kidney beans, Yellow split peas Dried Fruits Apple, Apricot, Banana chips, Blueberries, Cantaloupe, Cranberries, Dessicated Coconut, Gojiberries, Guave, Jackfruit, Juniperberries, Mango, Papaya, Pineapple, Raisins, Sultana. LenersanPoortman is trading the following commodities for Pet Food. Both from stock and directly from origin. For the FEED-industry. Seeds Anisseeds, Amaranth, Buckwheat, Canaryseed, Carrot seed, Chiaseed, Cypressseed, Flaxseed, Hempseed, Lettuce seed, Linseed, Melonseed, Milletseed, Milletsprays, Nigerseed, Panicum, Poppyseed, Pumpkinseed, Radishseed, Rape seed, Safflowerseed, Spinach seed, Sunflowerseed, Thistleseed, Turnipseed Grains Barley, Dari, Maize, Maize flakes, Oats, Oat flakes, Paddy rice, Rice, Sorghum, Wheat Pulses Bean flakes, Carob cubes, Chickpeas, Dark red kidney beans, Dunpeas, Lentils, Maple peas, Mungbeans, Pea flakes, Peas green, Peas yellow, Soy beans, Tic beans, Vetches, Winter peas Other Cedar Nuts, Cuttlefish bones, Dried Fruits, Dried Vegetables, Gammarus, Groundnuts, Mealworms, Shrimps, Silk worms, Tiger nuts, Tobacco Stalks

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